The Pecking Order, 2 person exhibition at Lorinda Knight Gallery 2008 (Kathy Glowen also showing)
This collection of works addresses the flock mentality of the human race while also celebrating our differences using common household decor images of chickens.
Nesting Wall, found objects,ceramics, chicken scratch & hardware. all pieces sold to private collectors in L.A., Spokane, Seattle, Nine Mile Falls. 2008
detail, Nesting Wall
Nesting details, Dutch Boy & Yellow
The Critics, cedar slabs, pine log, ceramic, mason stains. 2008 Collection of the Spokesman Review
detail; The Critics
Self Portrait as a Cock, found objects, chicken scratch, ceramic, the artists hair. 2008
Yin/Yang Principle, ceramics, vintage slide racks, collection of Les & Carolyn Stephens, Spokane, WA 2008
Scholastic High Fidelity, working vintage portable turn-table, DEVO 45, chicken scratch, ceramic, glitter. 2008 Collection of Les & Carolyn Stephens, Spokane, WA.
Lemmings found wood, ceramic, mason stain, custom copper hardware, steel bolt. 2008 available in store.
Fathers & Sons, found objects, ceramic, cast bronze, chicken scratch, dried wild grasses. 2008 NFS
The Pecking Order, ceramic, cast bronze, found objects 2008. available in store.